art at altos

 Art at Altos is an exciting quarterly art initiative that celebrates the vibrant culture and unique spirit of Modesto, California. Hosted by Altos Cocina & Cantina in collaboration with the Modesto Artists Movement, each quarter, a new theme is chosen to highlight the diverse people, traditions, and artistic expressions that make Modesto a truly special place. 

Local artists are invited to submit their work for consideration. Selected pieces will be showcased on the walls of Altos restaurant for an entire quarter, transforming the dining space into a dynamic gallery. Each new exhibition will kick off with a premier event, featuring an art party and reception where the community can come together to celebrate the artists and their work.

Art at Altos aims to foster a deeper connection between the arts and the local community, providing a platform for artists to gain visibility and for residents and visitors to engage with and appreciate the creativity that thrives in Modesto. This initiative not only enhances the cultural landscape of the city but also supports local talent, an amazing local restaurant, and brings people together in celebration of art and community.


Modesto Porchfest

